Hub Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Access to the community is and will always be free

You can register at the following link


You can follow the instructions on this page.

Reset your password


Visit the Apple Store or Google Play

Some groups you need to be invited into, But others are free.   If you can see the Join button at the top of the group page, you can join it.


In the App, go into your account settings, and find notifications. You can manage all your notificaitons there

You can use the ‘find a member’  search function on the website.

If you are in the App, you can search the name in the main search bar

A Learning Stream could be a video, a webinar, a recipe, a podcast.   When you ‘start’ a Learning Stream we keep a record of all the learning you complete for you to review in My Learning Streams.

Login to your member profile page and go to settings. You can request to have all your data deleted here

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